Video contest “The power of science in one minute”
Private High School Algoritam Skopje announces an international video contest on the topic “The power of science in one minute”, with the aim of fostering interest and love for natural sciences.
General participation requirements:
- The contest is open to students aged 11 to 17 years and 9th-grade students from the EU.
- The video can have only one author.
- The video must be in English.
- Each video must be an original work by the participant, without using unauthorized copyrighted content.
- The video should have a duration of maximum 1 minute.
- The video quality should be minimum 720p HD, 1080p is recommended.
- The use of graphics, animations, effects, and other visual materials is allowed, but they must be original or licensed for free use.
- Videos should be uploaded to Google drive:
- Applications should be submitted through the following Google form no later than March 15, 2025.
Videos containing inappropriate or offensive content will be disqualified. Videos that do not comply with technical requirements or are submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
All participants will receive a certificate of participation.
The contest is part of the dissemination activities of the Erasmus+ project GreenSТЕМ, in which PSU Algoritam is partner, and is funded by the European Union.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
тел: +38978 222237
Blagoj Gonov